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Every year about this time we think of the old Napa Mustard Festival, which radio broadcaster Gene Burns made popular (along with Napa, of course, where it couldn’t happen without).
Even if you dont drink wine or like mustard, there’s nothing like soaking up a sunny, mustardy February day in the wine country amidst those newly blooming mustard fields

Gene Burns may be gone – he passed nearly a decade ago after many years promoting the fest via his KGO evening talk show and even being present at the fair where he would promote the colorcul blossom/condiment along with ever popular California wines

Since Burns passed the mustard festivals are now mere memories, growing more distant every year since Napa discontined the event after Burns passed (more Burns) – who else could replace Burns as host?

Even local Napa stores stopped carrying the wide variety of mustards promoted at the fair but we’ve continued the tradition in our own way
We even learned to make our own mustard, as pictured at top- customized with our favorite add-ins like garlic, chile and horseradish

Since the official festival ended, Napa has grown and become a bit ‘stuffy’ so we’ve moved our updated homegrown fest down the road to American canyon,Ca, just one town before Napa but unspoiled like the Napa we knew 30 years ago when we first started going there.

It’s mustard festival time again but there won’t be an official mustard festival. But no reason you can’t pretend. Send this one out to Gene wherever he is

It’s mustard festival time again but there won’t be an official mustard festival. But no reason you can’t pretend. Send this one out to Gene wherever he is