You’d think that Napa would be another Carmel by now, what with its world reknown wineries and reputation. Yet, only a few hundred feet off the famed Silverado Trail or Hwy 29 much of Napa is just the opposite of the oppulence you see at those other tourist destinations: A town untouched by the gentrification you see in other wine regions such as Healdsburg to the north or the aforementioned Carmel, one could easily believe he or she is time traveling back to Napa as it was in the 1950s or even 1940s.

Just spending some time on one main artery of town, Jefferson St. , made us appreciate this throwback of a town and how city fathers have kept big business from changing that old charm as you see happening in so many Bay Area towns and nationwide. With the ‘quickening’ of society-as Art Bell used to say- it’s refreshing to find places like this that remind us of the ‘happy days’ before pandemics and polarization.

You can get to Jefferson street any number of ways as it parallels highway 29. To reach the central part of town take Hwy 29 to Trancus exit and go east about three blocks. There are a number of nice eateries as you explore Jefferson from one end to the other. One such spot is Napa’s only India restaurant, Aroma, and a top rated one at that, right on Jedferson you will come to along the way

369 Restaurants Permanently Closed in SF & Bay Area Gone, but not forgotten Some of our favorites are gone forever incl. Velvet Cantina, It’s Tops, Nopalito (Inner Sunset), Louis’ Diner, ICHI Sushi, Locando, & Toy Boat Dessert Cafe What’s Still Open?: San Francisco Outdoor Dining Guide: 215+ Open Patios & Restaurants – updated 7/29/20 |