Napa seems to have everything else so why not a tiki bar. And napa is the perfect place 4 1 with all its wine and retro .

Wilfred’s couldn’t be in a better place right on the river at the 1st street bridge. Not your cookie cutter Tiki Bar but a well thought out, cozy two-story hideaway ‘ Carved into the hill,’ borrowing a bit from Trader Vic in menu and myth but mostly its own unique Tiki bar that will hopefully be around a long time.

Wilfreds tiki bar really wasn’t quite as authentic as some but probably better than most with 2 decks, Middle upper deck. Inner and outer section, With the outer having a great view of the river. Lots of Little nooks and crannies and lots of souvenirs if you’re s in to that. Weather wasn’t great this day. Wif ll have to go back on a nice sunny day. Maybe try the food then- an extensive menu. Even though the place only got 3 and a 1/2 stars It’s probably better than Any tiki bar in the Oakland – San Francisco area With the possible exception of trader viks and tonga room where their are some good ones..
We’re gonna try the food Next time from the extensive menu as well as the drinks. We did enjoy the passion punch
Meanwhile the legendary Napa mustard is gone . They sure cleaned out the mustard along highway twenty nine come April 1.

Another nice retro experience was buster’s barbecue in calistoga right on the highway at the corner of The main drag in town. Good quality ribs and beef yeah you’re a nice relaxed atmosphere with music on Sunday afternoon.